LPRA Update regarding RE-D input Document to TCAM 4th November 2016

Dear Member,

Please find below the update from this week’s TCAM meeting regarding our LPRA input document for the Commission and Market Surveillance Authorities (MSA) decision on Standards not cited in the EUOJ by the RE-D deadline of June 13, 2017.

As expected, despite several input documents from industry and from Italy MSA, despite all proposals made during the meeting and in the input documents, despite the hard push from MSA (especially Germany) to the Commission to find a solution, the Commission admitted that they have no solution and do not have the power either to change the 13th June 2017 deadline, nor to extend the transition period.

The commission clearly states that the only available legal solution if a standard to claim conformity to article 3.2 of the RE-D is not listed in the RE-D EUOJ for manufacturers is to obtain a positive opinion from a RE-D Notified Body before placing the RE-D equipment on the market. 

The commission also stated if manufacturers and MSA are looking for a solution they should go to the EU Parliament and to the EU Council to ask for a revision of the Directive. We had anticipated this situation at the last Council meeting . 

LPRA Council member Philippe Magneron has met our French MEP Ms Catherine Trautmann and she fully supports our industry needs. Ms Trautmann will work to make a formal request to the Commission through the EU Parliament in order to find a solution for the industry. 

We will also need to consult our UK MEP Malcolm Harbor to make the same request to the Commission. 

Other industry trade associations also attending TCAM will start the same lobbying. However, it has to be noted that the process may take some time to start.


Below general information about TCAM:

TCAM : Telecommunication Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee

TCAM is the standing Committee assisting the European Commission in the management of Directives 1999/5/EC and 2014/53/EU. This Committee was set-up to facilitate the exchange of documents between Member States and the Commission. TCAM was constituted by Article 13 of R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC (Directive on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity) to assist the Commission.


Task  :

Under the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) and RED (2014/53/EU) , TCAM acts as both an advisory (Article 14) and a regulatory committee (Article 15) in matters of conformity assessment and market surveillance.


Composition :

The committee is chaired by a Commission representative. Each EU member state is represented by the public authorities in charge of the implementation of the R&TTE Directive and RED. Input may also be provided by representatives of the EFTA states, national experts and experts from European organisations (eg CEPT, ETSI, LPRA etc…). Particular regulatory issues are restricted to the representatives of the public authorities and the Commission, however.


Meetings :

Approximately 3–4 times a year (not open to the public)


Documents :

TCAM documents are available to authorised users via the Commission’s CIRCA server.


Kind regards
Phil Bremner
LPRA Membership Secretary