Updated ECC Report 37 is under public enquiry

The LPRA is collecting comments from its members about an update of the ECC Report 37. Please find more information about this draft and the means to download it below. Any comments can be sent to the LPRA at info@lpra.eu before April 16th 2008.

Proposed corrections to the ECC Report 37

The ECC Report 37 “Compatibility of planned SRD applications with currently existing radiocommunications applications in the frequency band 863-870 MHz” was finally adopted at the February 2004 WGSE meeting after having completed public consultation.

Since this publication, there have been improvements to the method of operating RFID and it was considered necessary to revise this report. It was agreed to limit the modifications of the existing report (in particular to keep the material relating to “former” RFID equipments) as much as possible while inserting revision reflecting the new RFID operation. The wording “generic SRDs” has been removed and replaced by “Non specific SRD” for consistency with Annex 1 of ECC Recommendation 70-03.

The text provides the proposed revision to the ECC Report 37. The main changes are reflected in the Annex D.5 and D.6 and in all other respects the values assumed in the original report remain unchanged.

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